India's War with a cunning Nation - China in 1962
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A Brave Soldier of India - Today's Abhimannue |
War started without in the Knowledge of India
India didn't know about sudden attack of China, not even suspected that China was going to attack, because there was a slogan between India and China was that "Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai" but Chaina never gave importance to the relationship of two big nation of Asia. Here, "India did a blunder mistake when whole world isolated China on its many issues not match with the worlds common agenda but India supported China with "whole hardheartedly". On October 20, 1962 China attacked on India and started Sino-India war what was known as one side prepared war. China did not let the Indian army to prepare for war and the relationship end in a disordered condition till date. It was very dishonest attack because the war took place between 10,000-20,000 Indian soldiers and 80,000 Chinese soldiers. Before invading in Ladakh, the Chinese also cut Indian telephone lines, preventing the defenders from making contact with their headquartersd and commanders. This war was ended on 21 November, 1962, after one month.
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India and Its Boundary |
India Supported China on International Level
When China was not invited for a peace treaty with Japan, India also cancels to attend the conference because India was so concerned about its relations with China. India even try hard to become China's representative in matters related to world since China had been isolated from many issues. China forgot all these incidents very simply and attack on India without any second thought.
With the independence of the Republic of India in 1947, August and the formation of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the year 1949, one of the policies for the Indian government was that of maintaining pleasant and friendly relations with China. To keep this policy live "When China announced that it would be occupying Tibet", India sent a letter of protest proposing negotiations on the Tibet issue. But China was more active in the preparation of war and deploying troops on the Aksai Chin border than any other Indian republic was(which is the part of India according to the map of India developed by British Government in 1909)
Chinese Officials not show Interest to negotiate the border in 1834
Raja Gulab Singh of Dogra conquered the Ladakh the suzerainty of the Sikh Empire and declared that the western portion of the Sino-Indian boundary in 1834. Sikhs were defeated by British in 1846 and the result was that the transfer of the Jammu and Kashmir region including Ladakh to the British, Britishers then made Gulab Singh as the Maharaja under their suzerainty.
Then British commissioners contacted Chinese officials to negotiate the border of India and China, who did not show any interest that time(all of the sudden in 1959, China started to draw the boundary map). The British boundary commissioners fixed the southern end of the boundary up to Pangong Lake, but regarded the area north of it till the Karakoram Pass was not at mapped.
The Maharaja of Kashmir and his officials were keenly aware of the trade routes from Ladakh to Chaina via Shahidulla. Starting from Leh, there were two main routes into Central Asia - one passed through the Karakoram Pass to Shahidulla through the foot of the Kunlun Mountains and went on to Yarkand at the Kilian and Sanju passes. The other went east via the Chang Chenmo Valley, passed the Lingzi Tang Plains in the Aksai Chin region, and followed the course of the Karakash River to join the first route at Shahidulla. Mean while the Maharaja of Kashmir permitted chinese to use the trade route by paying on annual route tax. The Maharaja regarded Shahidulla as his northern outpost, in effect treating the Kunlun mountains as the boundary of his domains. The Maharaja was allowed to treat Shahidulla as his outpost for more than 20 years.
The Map of HungTa-chen in 1893 and The Map of 1878, Both are Same
In 1893 at Kashgar, the map of Hung Ta-chen handed to the British consul. This map was same as that of the 1878 British Map, the boundary, marked with a thin dot-dashed line. According to this map Chinese Turkestan regarded the "northern branch" of the Kunlun range with the Kilian and Sanju passes as its southern boundary. Thus the Maharaja of Kashmir proved that his rule on Shahidulla and its peripheries.
After the 1862 Dungan Revolt, which saw the expulsion of the Chinese totally from Turkestan, the Maharaja of Kashmir constructed a small fort at Shahidulla in 1864. The fort was most likely upplied from Khotan, during that time Khotan ruler was independent and on friendly terms with Kashmir Maharaja.
When the Khotanese ruler was removed from the throne by the Kashgaria strongman Yakub Beg, the
Maharaja was forced to leave his post in 1867. It was then occupied by Yakub Beg's forces until the end of the Dungan Revolt.
"Johnson Line" or "Ardagh-Johnson Line" What India Ready to Agree
When W. H. Johnson of Survey of India was commissioned to survey the Aksai Chin region. During in the course of his work in the Aksai chin, he was invited by the Khotanese ruler to visit his capital. After returning, Johnson reported that Khotan's border was at Brinjga, in the Kunlun mountains, and the entire the Karakash Valley was within the territory of Kashmir which is ruled by Kashmir Maharaja. The boundary of Kashmir that he drew, stretching from Sanju Pass to the eastern edge of Chang Chenmo Valley along the Kunlun mountains, is referred to as the "Johnson Line" or "Ardagh-Johnson Line". According to this report India prepared its boundary and submitted to the Chinese Official claiming that Aksai Chin is the part of Independent India and no question of negotiation at all. But China was not ready to agree and started the dispute.
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Aksai Chin Part of India - Size of Switzerland |
According to Hung Ta-chen, a senior Chinese official, Aksai Chin in Kashmir territory
A map provided by Hung Ta-chen, a senior Chinese official at St. Petersburgh, in 1893 showed the boundary of Xinjiang(Turkestan in 1878, renamed it Xinjiang by Chinese) up to Raskam . First time Chinese took interest to prepare their boundaries, otherwise Chinese were not aware about their boundaries as well as the peripheries, even not show the interest to draw their boundary. In the east, it was similar to the Johnson line, placing Aksai Chin in Kashmir territory.
"Peking University Atlas", published in 1925, Aksai Chin and Peripheries are in Indian Side
From 1917 to 1933, the "Postal Atlas of China", published by the Government of China in Peking had shown the boundary in Aksai Chin as per the Johnson line, which runs along the Kunlun mountains and went on to Yarkand at the Kilian and Sanju passes. The "Peking University Atlas", published in 1925, also put the Aksai Chin, the Kunlun mountains and went on to Yarkand at the Kilian and Sanju pass are in India.
To be continued...
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